Gushin Optics

Gushin Optics specializes in providing high-quality optical products for optics retailers and brands. Our range includes binoculars, spotting scopes, and rifle scopes, renowned for their exceptional clarity, durability, and performance


Declaration of Tariff Mitigation

We, hereby, declare our commitment to finding a solution in the face of the recent increase in US tariffs on imported goods from China. As an enterprise with a subsidiary located in Hong Kong, we propose a strategy of transshipment to mitigate the impact caused by these tariffs.

Transshipment is a process where goods are transported through an intermediate point before reaching their final destination. By utilizing our company's subsidiary in Hong Kong, we can strategically reroute a portion of our imports from China through this location. This approach enables us to circumvent the increased tariffs imposed by the United States, thus minimizing the financial burden on our company.

Through transshipment, we aim to maintain the competitiveness of our business while continuing to deliver high-quality products to our customers. This strategy allows us to explore alternative supply chain routes and leverage the benefits offered by our presence in Hong Kong.

We acknowledge that transshipment may involve additional logistical considerations and potential challenges. However, we are committed to working closely with our partners and stakeholders to navigate these complexities effectively. Our priority is to ensure a seamless transition in our supply chain operations while adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.

Furthermore, we understand the importance of maintaining fair trade practices and fostering positive relationships with all nations involved. We will conduct our transshipment activities in full compliance with international trade rules, taking into account the specific guidelines and requirements outlined by the relevant authorities.

In conclusion, our company stands firm in its determination to address the adverse impact of the tariff increase on imported goods from China. Through our subsidiary in Hong Kong, we will implement transshipment strategies to minimize the financial implications caused by these tariffs. We remain committed to providing exceptional products and services to our valued customers while upholding the principles of fair trade.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Chongqing Gushin Outdoor LLC

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